Friday, November 19, 2010

Our Second Week in November

This week we learned the letter Hh. We did many activities to learn and reinforce the letter and it's sound. Here is the letter book I made using a wide variety of resources I've collected over the years.

We continued our conservation by talking about how we heat and cool our homes. We made homes to remind us to keep the door closed when we are heating or cooling our homes to save energy.

We talked about sets that have more or most using real objects and then reinforcing it by coloring the set with the most on an activity sheet.

We then spent a lot of time reversing it and talking about least. Least seems to be a hard concept for many of my preschoolers over the years, so I spend a lot of time on it. We did many of the same activities as we did for most, but just finding which one has less.

We learned the color blue this week. We found things that were blue around our daycare room and using math counting manipulatives. We also used our math skills while finding blue objects by finding a certain number of blue things. We found blue shapes, colored pictures blue, and made a Blue's Clue painting using crayon for the patches on Blue and blue waterpaint for the rest. I thought they turned out very cute!

We talked about traffic safety and what a traffic light is. We made a strip that we read together that told us what the colors on the traffic light mean. We then made a large traffic light.

We made another turkey this week. We waterpainted the turkey and I hung them off the ceiling as a nice November decoration for November.

Hope you enjoyed what we did this week!

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