Before starting our books this week we made some delicious homemade Connecticut Clam
Chowder which I got out of Confession of a Homeschooler Road Trip USA Geography & History Curriculum which you can find by clicking here. Only one child really liked it... but everyone tried it since they all had a part in cutting potatoes, tasting and smelling ingredients we put in, and watching the changes as we made it. I actually loved it and will make it again!
You can find a very comparable recipe here.
Here is the first two of the last pages of our book.
We talked about the fishing industry in Connecticut. They learned that Connecticut
is next to the Atlantic Ocean. We traced the names of some of the fish and we
colored the fish. We also fished... an activity from here. Below you can see close-ups
of both pages and the fishing activity.
Here are the last two pages of the book.
We talked about why Connecticut is called the Constitution State and then read
a story about the Constitution. I made the story using this website. And we
talked about PT Barnum and Ringling Bros. Circus. We did an elephant counting
activity and a roll and graph activity that I had in my files but don't know who
the creator is so I can't share (sorry). Below are close-ups of the two pages.
You can download the whole book here.
Next week we will start our regular preschool lessons but we will be doing one state a month... so stay tuned! Look for the Trekking Across the US after the last week of the month.