On Tuesday we had our annual "Thanksgiving Feast" in which I cooked a turkey, mashed potato, and dressing and my daycare families each brought a dish and we all shared a meal together. I am very lucky that all of my children had a parent or grandparent to share the meal with. They gave their cards that we made on Monday to the adult who attended. This is always a highlight for the daycare and the children get so excited!
On Wednesday we did a trace and match Thanksgiving page. Again I forgot to take a picture. :(
We matched numbers from childcareland.com which was a fun way to recognize numbers.
We waterpainted scarecrows. I find it so interesting how they use colors on their waterpaintings.
Lastly, we had fun playing a game in which they take soft socks rolled into balls and threw them back and forth. They really enjoyed this game and used a lot of energy playing. Another provider gave me this idea on on of my provider lists.
Hope everyone has a very blessed Thanksgiving!